Department for Business and Trade – Certification Office
The UK’s Certification Office sits under the Department for Business and Trade and is responsible for ensuring Trades Unions meet reporting and auditing standards.
The content structures, site navigation and supporting language did not fully adhere to GOV.UK’s prescribed style. We took a root and branch review of the service, using best practice user experience approaches to identify and prioritise user journeys and develop user needs and acceptance criteria. We then redeveloped the content design in line with GOV.UK standards and the information architecture.
Using Whitehall Publisher (the content management system behind GOV.UK websites) we reworked the main pages whilst making better use of all the WPS features. We also upskilled the editorial team on Whitehall Publisher and provided training materials to ensure that content updates – and new pages – could be managed internally

Panlogic took time to understand our organisation as well as our strategic and operational needs. Workshops were held to deepen our understanding of how to better structure content before working in partnership with us to restructure and reprioritise our GOV.UK content. Panlogic's work has led to improved searchability, suitability and accessibility as well as meeting / exceeding GDS service standards. Operations Manager, Certification Office