Providing employees with accessible IT services
AbilityNet provide workplace assessments to corporates to ensure those with disabilities have the best and most appropriate working environments. These mandated audits are expensive to run. AbilityNet us to work with their partners to improve the efficiency and reduce costs related to the administration of the tests.

Working with Ability Net’s remote assessment software house we developed an integrated diary management process. This seemingly simple requirements was devlish in detail requiring API development, multiple integrations and websites involved in the workflow and handling real-time calendar and queuing systems.

Panlogic provided us with a first rate-service and went the extra mile to open up business opportunities through their network. Their Discovery process identified the needs of our clients and staff. Panlogic then developed the end-to-end service and worked with multiple vendors to integrate the application across our business. The end result has been a vastly improved solution with greatly improved customer experience and reduced internal costs. CEO, AbilityNet